Playground Inspection Checklist
Written and Edited by Nationally Recognised Inspector & Trainer Lynnel Crockart
These user-friendly audit forms and checklists provide a comprehensive list of all inspections that must be made against playground equipment conforming to the AS 4685 series. To ensure you are testing the equipment against these standards and checklists, it is advised that you purchase a playground safety inspection tool kit that also conforms to the AS 4685 series.
Our audit forms will easily assist in the identification of non-compliance to the AS 4422 and AS 4685 series.
This includes inspection forms/checklists in accordance with AS 4685 series;
- AS 4685.1:2021 General equipment/combination units
- AS 4685.2:2021 Swings
- AS 4685.3:2021 Slides
- AS 4685.4:2021 Cableways
- AS 4685.5:2021 Carousels
- AS 4685.6:2021 Rocking equipment
- AS 4685.11:2014 Spatial networks
- AS 4685.0:2017 and AS 4422(Int):2022 Comprehensive, Operational and Routine inspection forms/checklist.
Includes a 12-month email or file-share subscription for any updates to the AS.
This resource does not replace the need to use or rely on the actual AS documents, which contains information not included in this resource. Standards can be purchased directly from SAI Global.